Authentically Indian | Intentionally Modern | Decidedly Britsh Incense

The Challenge

Bespoke Range of Classics to Improve Incense Sales Margins For an Online Retailer

To create an exclusive Stamford range, suiting both Eastern and Western tastes, for an online retailer who wanted more control over margin

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The Co-Branding Solution

Getting the range name right was key to this project’s success. We chose Holi, after the joyful Indian festival where celebrants pelt each other with coloured, scented powder – and this, in turn, inspired the watercolour splashes of vibrant hues on the packaging. Together, name and visuals created an immediate resonance in an Eastern audience while engaging the younger, fun-loving Western consumer. To appeal to the broadest possible market, we curated a range of traditional fragrances which are well recognised and loved by most incense users – Jasmine, Lavender, Musk, Patchouli, Sandalwood and White Sage – and presented these as hex and cones, which are the typically the styles that sell best online.